CERT-In Audit Penetration Testing Service

Obtain your security audit certification from a CERT-In Empanelled organization
Obtain CERT-In Audit Certificate
Satisfy Compliance Requirements
Reduce the risk of breaches
Verify Your current security control

Organizations that may need a CERT-In audit include government departments, critical infrastructure entities, financial institutions, defence organizations, and other entities deemed crucial for the nation’s security. These audits aim to assess the organization’s cybersecurity readiness, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend improvements to enhance their resilience against cyber threats.

The impact of not conducting regular audits can be significant, especially when it comes to cybersecurity and compliance for an organization.

By Not Conducting Regular Audits on Your IT Infrastructure, Could Result in:

Compliance Failures

Loss Of Business Opportunities

Reduced Stakeholder Confidence

Loss Of Competitive Advantage

Increased Scrutiny From Regulators

Risking Possible Lawsuits

It is important to secure the critical assets your company relies upon to conduct business and to store proprietary and confidential information.

Let Us Assess Your IT Infrastructure

Our certified experts carry out high quality audits to identify security gaps including high impact risks as a result we produce comprehensive reports.

Implement our recommendations

Our well documented reports with an executable remediation plan, followed by a detailed solution walk through and Q&A sessions helps your technical team to fix issues without any difficulties.

Let Us Carry Out Re-Audit

After applying patches and fixes, a level 2 re-testing audit is carried out and all the fixes are verified.

Obtain audit certificate

Obtaining audit certificate, satisfy compliance requirements, reduce the risk of breaches and focus on your mission with peace of mind.

Let Us Carry Out Re-Audit

After applying patches and fixes, a level 2 re-testing audit is carried out and all the fixes are verified.

Let Us Assess Your IT Infrastructure

Our certified experts carry out high quality audits to identify security gaps including high impact risks as a result we produce comprehensive reports.

Implement our recommendations

Our well documented reports with an executable remediation plan, followed by a detailed solution walk through and Q&A sessions helps your technical team to fix issues without any difficulties.

Obtain audit certificate

Obtaining audit certificate, satisfy compliance requirements, reduce the risk of breaches and focus on your mission with peace of mind.

How You Benefit?

Reduce The Risk Of Breaches

Our consultants specialize in simulating cybercriminals, going beyond the capabilities of automated tools and standard audits to identify complex security issues.

Satisfy Compliance Requirement

No-surprise audits: We offer thorough assessments and assistance to help you achieve compliance with relevant regulations, ensuring no unexpected compliance gaps or issues arise

Verify Your Current Security Controls

Our Comprehensive audits of your organization’s infrastructure provide factual information about the effectiveness of your current security controls

Obtain Audit Certificate

High credibility is always inherent when obtaining your audit certification from Peneto Labs. This organisation is empanelled by CERT-In to provide information Security Auditing Services.

Why to Choose Peneto Labs

Satisfy your organization’s compliance requirements & reduce risk of breaches
Certified Experts

Our consultants hold cyber security certifications such as SANS/GIAC GXPN, GAWN, GPEN, GWAPT, GRID, GCIH, OSCE, OSWP, OSCP, CEH, CREST etc.This means your hiring WORLD CLASS SECURITY EXPERTS to fight against Hackers trying to attack your infrastructure.

International Best Practices

We carry out each assessment by following international standards and testing methodologies, such as OWASP, NIST, and PTES, along with our unique and specific threat modellings to attain highest quality results.

Well Documented Reports

Our report insights that are remediative and decisive to make your information security risk management program successful. We strive to provide more HELPFUL information instead of just MORE information.

Cert-In Empanelled Security Auditor

High credibility is always inherent when obtaining your audit certification from Peneto Labs. This organisation is empanelled by CERT-In to provide information Security Auditing Services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to

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      Free Sample Certificate & Penetration Testing

      Wondering what’s include in our sample certificate and Pen test report? Take a look at our sample Pen test report and sample certificate.

      Free Sample Certificate & penetration testing report
      Wondering what's include in our sample certificate and Pen test report? Take a look at our sample Pen test report and sample certificate.
      download sample report